
Monday, February 28
14:00 - 19:00Registration
17:00 - 19:00
Tuesday, March 1
7:00 - 17:00Registration
9:15Genet - History of robotic and remotely operated telescopes - Abstract - Presentation - Paper
9:45Seaman - 3 things your robot should know - Abstract - Presentation
10:15Mclin - Using robotic telescopes to teach STEM skills: Undergraduate and high school students - Abstract - Presentation - Paper
10:35Coffee and poster session
Remote Operations - 1
11:05Veillet - Why to stay away from your telescope at night? - Abstract - Presentation
11:25Moody - The Remote Observatory for Variable Object Research (ROVOR) - Abstract - Presentation - Paper
11:45Springer - The Willard L. Eccles Observatory: Commissioning and development of remote operation capabilities - Abstract - Presentation - Paper
12:05Aspin - The Uh88, full remote operations of a Mauna Kea telescope - Abstract - Presentation
Remote Operations - 2
14:00Gajadhar - Retrofitting the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope for remote operations - Abstract - Presentation - Paper
14:30Kerr - Switching the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope to remote operations - Abstract - Presentation
14:50Bakos - Global networks of small telescopes: HATNet and HATSouth - Abstract - Presentation
15:10Coffee and poster session
Remote Operations - 3
15:40Oram - Remote operations of laser guide star systems: Gemini Observatory - Abstract - Presentation
16:00Riddle - Robo-AO: The first autonomous laser guide star adaptive optics system for 1 to 3 meter telescopes - Abstract - Presentation
16:20Discussion: The challenges of moving existing facilities to remote operations
17:10End of session
Wednesday, March 2
Remote Observations
8:30Manset - Remote queued service observing at Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope- Abstract - Presentation - Paper
8:50Kibrick - Operating a wide-area high-availability collaborative remote observing system for classically-scheduled observations- Abstract - Presentation - Paper
9:20Wirth - More bang for the buck: Lessons learned from remote observing at the W. M. Keck Observatory- Abstract - Presentation - Paper
9:40Zhu - Remote observing with the FAST telescope- Abstract - Presentation
10:00Coffee and poster session
Robotic Telescopes - 1
10:30Smith - The Liverpool Telescope - Abstract - Presentation - Paper
11:00Guinan - The 1.3m Robotically Controlled Telesocpe (RCT) at Kitt Peak - A fifty year old dream realized: Telescope characteristics, current research, and education program - Abstract - Presentation
11:20Bohlender - Remote and robotic operation of the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory 1.2-m Telescope and McKellar Spectrograph - Abstract - Presentation - Paper
11:40Buie - Autonomous operations and use of the Lowell Observatory 0.8-m Telescope - Abstract - Presentation
Robotic Telescopes - 2
13:30Eastman - DEMONEX: The DEdicated MONitor of EXotransits - Abstract - Presentation
13:50Lehner - The TAOS Robotic Occulation Survey - Abstract - Presentation - Paper
14:20Hodapp - IRIS - An Infrared Imaging System Dedicated to Monitoring Star-Forming Regions for Variability - Abstract - Presentation
14:40Tonry - ATLAS: An asteroid warning system - Abstract - Presentation
15:00Agol - Finding habitable earths around white dwarfs with a robotic telescope transit survey - Abstract - Presentation - Paper
15:20Coffee and conference photo
Robotic Telescopes - 3
15:50Guyon - Precision photometry with a low-cost robotic wide field imaging system - Abstract - Presentation - Paper
16:10Milone - Infrared photometry for automated telescopes: Passband selection - Abstract - Presentation - Paper
16:30Discussion: The challenges of moving from remote to robotic operation
17:15End of session
Thursday, March 3
Sensing the Environment
8:30Businger - The Mauna Kea Weather Center: Custom atmospheric forecasting support for Mauna Kea - Abstract - Presentation
9:00Cuillandre - SkyProbe, monitoring the absolute atmospheric transmission in the optical - Abstract
9:20Riddle - The Thirty Meter Telescope robotic site testing system - Abstract - Presentation
9:40Discussion: Is weather a challenge for remote and autonomous operation?
10:00Coffee and poster session
Telescope Networks
10:30Rosing - We keep you in the dark - Abstract - Presentation
11:00Martinez - LCOGT sites and facilities - Abstract - Presentation - Paper
11:20Williams - Sierra Stars Observatory Network: An accessible global network - Abstract - Presentation - Paper
11:40Henden - A scientific network of small robotic telescopes - Abstract - Presentation - Paper
13:30Kubanek - Building and operating a network of autonous observatories with an open source software - Abstract - Presentation
14:00Little - Telescope control through CelestialGrid -- Abstract - Presentation - Paper
14:20Rosing - The LCOGT software system - Abstract - Presentation
14:40Thanjavur - Artificial intelligence in autonomous telescopes - Abstract - Presentation - Paper
15:00Walawendar - Computer infrastructure for the variable young stellar objects survey - Abstract - Presentation - Paper
15:20Coffee and poster session
Data Management and Rapid Response
15:50Comeron - Rapid response to transient events at the VLT - Abstract - Presentation
16:20Roth - Target of opportunity and time critical queue observations at Gemini Observatory - Abstract - Presentation
16:40Jenness - Data managment at the UKIRT and JCMT - Abstract - Presentation - Paper
17:10Discussion: Desinging new facilities with remote or autonomous observations in mind
17:50Conference wrap-up
18:00End of conference
Friday, March 4
8:30 - 17:00
Summit tour


BarrickUsing an ethernet based relay to remotely control lights at CFHTAbstract
BaumanRemote monitoring of a fire protection systemAbstract
BenedictConverting a liquid nitrogen cooled instrument to remote operationAbstract
ChristenRemote/Robotic Operation of Astro-Physics German Equatorial MountsAbstract
DennyA Web-Remote/Robotic/Scheduled Astronomical Data Acquisition SystemAbstract
FlewellingPanSTARRS: Remote operations and automated processing for Gigapixel CameraAbstract
GeldermanThe Robitcally Controlled Telescope (RCT): First Five Years of Fully Autonomous OperationAbstract
GeldermanFlexible Queue Scheduling Capabilities of the 1.3-m RCT: Application to Time Variable SourcesAbstract
GeldermanAutontomous Scheduling of the 1.3-meter Robotically Controlled Telescope (RCT)Abstract
GeldermanAutomation of the 1.3-meter Robotically Controlled Telescope (RCT)Abstract
GeldermanNarrow-band Imagery with the 1.3-meter Robotically Controlled Telescope (RCT)Abstract
GeldermanReal World Practical Considerations for Remote and/or Autonomous Robotic TelescopesAbstract
GuinanRCT photometry of the Hubble Classical Cepheid V19 in M33: Evidence for the Cessation of Pulsations - A Case of Stellar Evolution in Real TimeAbstract
KarjalainenRemote observing at Isaac Newton Group of TelescopesAbstract
KurodaThe development of an automatic reduction system for Gamma-Ray Burst afterglowAbstract
Lara-GilThe RTS2 Web InterfaceAbstract
Lavie-CambotAutomation of Pic du Midi 2-m Telescope Bernard LyotAbstract
LookRemote Control of the CFHT Dome ShutterAbstract
MackACE Observatory Control System - 16 years of remote intercontinental observingAbstract
MansetPrinciples of Queued Service Observing at CFHTAbstract
MartioliCFHT data processing and calibration ESPaDOnS pipeline: Upena and OPERA (optical spectropolarimetry)Abstract
MclinUsing Telescope Observations to Mentor High School Students in STEMAbstract
MelsheimerAuto Guiders for Remotely Operated, Automated, or Robotic TelescopesAbstract"?>
MelsheimerDesigning New FacilitiesAbstract
MorrisonASIVA -- The All-Sky mid-IR imager on Mauna keaAbstract
PennypakerGreat Times Now and In the Future For Telescopes Afar in EducationAbstract
ReedThe Baker Observatory Robotic Autonomous TelescopeAbstract
SebagLidar and All-Sky IR Camera Cloud Measurements for LSST SchedulingAbstract
SheehanGemini Observatory, transition to base facility science operationsAbstract
ThanjavurCFHT data processing and calibration pipeline for WIRCam: Iiwi (near-IR imaging)Abstract
ThompsonSearching for Variable Events in High-Cadence DataAbstract
YerliA Potential 4+ Class IR Telescope in East Anatolia, TurkeyAbstract