Conference Schedule and Events


A welcome reception is scheduled for Monday, 28 February, and will take place at the Naupaka Ball Room Lawn from 5:00 to 7:00pm. During this time, "pupus" (or apperitives) from the islands will be served. Upon registering, you will receive two tickets for drinks for this occasion, after which a no-host bar will be available. Participants may bring guests for the reception for an additional fee. Please indicate if you will be bringing guests on your registration form.

Note: The Registration Desk will be open from 2:00pm until 7:00pm, Monday 28 February. It will reopen on Tuesday, at 7:00am.

Conference Dinner

The conference dinner will take place on the Luau Grounds of the hotel, on Wednesday, 2 March, at 5:30pm. This event will be held outdoors and will feature the unique gastronomy spread of a "luau". Music from the islands and an open bar for 2 hours will be part of the evening. Please let us know if you and your guests will be joining us for this dinner on your registration form.

Summit Tour

As part of the conference activities, a visit of observatories on Maunakea, is scheduled for Friday, 4 March. The schedule for this event is anticipated to start at 8:30am with an estimated return to the hotel at 5:00pm. Transportation and lunch at Hale Pohaku, the Mid-Level facility, will be provided. Participants in the tour will have the opportunity to visit 2 of the following observatories: CFHT, Gemini, Subaru, IRTF, and the UH 88-inch.

As space is limited for this tour, each participant may register up to one guest who is 16 years of age or over. Please indicate if you will attend this tour on your registration form.

The following website will introduce you to the astronomical community on Maunakea, and provide you some necessary information prior to your trip to Maunakea.

Visiting Maunakea Observatories

Click here for more information on deadlines, fees, and to register now